5 key factors when choosing Spec-Ops Gear

When people think of Special Forces, they think “tough.” There’s a good reason for this. The United States Special Forces are some of the most dangerous and well-trained warriors on the planet, able to operate in a wide range of climate and terrain conditions and accomplish their objectives, both at home and abroad. While an overnight excursion into the mountains doesn’t generally involve rappelling or specialized combat gear, having the same equipment the militaries use can be a lifesaver for you and your companions. Here are 5 reasons to have Special Forces gear in your camping kit!

1) Durability

Civilians take it for granted that they can always run to the store and get another item if one breaks. Militaries don’t enjoy that certainty. They may be away from civilization for weeks or even months, and they live or die by the quality of their gear. Having equipment designed to stand up to even the most rigorous and punishing use could tip the scales in your favor if you find yourself in a situation where survival is the only objective.

2) Versatility

Most military equipment is designed to do multiple things at once. One example is a trenching tool, which can also be employed as a hatchet or a hammer. Schlepping along a bunch of items that can only be used for one thing adds to the weight of a pack and can be a crippling disadvantage in the middle of a fight. Having gear that can accomplish multiple tasks saves space, time, and could even save lives.

3) Ease of Use

Special Forces gear is designed to require minimal training to use to its maximum effect. Because elite military personnel comes from every walk of life and kind of climate and terrain on Earth, their training emphasizes ways to stay alive and in fighting trim even in the most dangerous and hostile conditions our world has to offer. Since the training is so intensive, the equipment they carry has to be easy to use. A military tool loses its effectiveness if they have to sit in a classroom for a week just to learn how to use it properly. Because of this unique ease of use, military gear adapts itself readily to civilian usage.

4) Survivability

Unlike a lot of civilian-made outdoor gear, equipment designed for militaries use is specifically made to survive brutally and punishing use, extremes of temperature, and even rapidly shifting weather conditions. This makes Special Forces gear particularly useful if one is planning an extended camping trip or outdoor excursion, where communications may be hard or impossible to come by and getting out of the area may not be as simple as getting in was. Because of the unique, rugged design of Special Forces equipment, these items can hold up to anything you or Mother Nature can dish out. In normal conditions, this can make your trip a little more comfortable and enjoyable. If the worst happens, the survivability of military field gear can keep you alive!

5) Get Away From It All

Special Forces operational gear is generally designed not to draw attention, allowing these warriors to blend into the scenery until they’re ready to make their move. For the hunter or the guy who just needs some time away from the constant hustle and bustle of civilization, this ability to fade into their surroundings can be an important asset. Unlike civilian survival gear, the multipurpose nature of Special Forces equipment makes it ideal for just about anything you might want to do outdoors.


IMAGE SOURCE: http://specialforcesrecruiter.com

Get more resource about Special Forces Tactical Gear and Climbing & Rappelling Gear by visiting the website of Special Forces today. You can also find there a collection of military gear and equipment.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7300825